Free Alternative Method of Entry
At Camera Champ we've made it easy, where you can enter by mail with one free entry.
No Purchase or Payment Required Mail-In Entry
To receive one (1) free entry without making a purchase or payment, on a postcard or in a letter, hand print the date of mailing, your complete first and last name, street address, city, state, zip code, country, date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy), e-mail address, telephone number including country code and area code, the giveaway url and prize description.
Mail your entry with applicable postage affixed, addressed to: Camera Champ, PO Box 5274, Q Supercentre, QLD, 4218, Australia. Entries must reach us by the Promotion Period End Date.
Limit one entry per postcard or letter. Bulk shipments (multiple entries in one shipping package) will not be accepted. Mail-In Entries must be handwritten. No mechanically reproduced entries or metered mail permitted. Each Mail-In Entry will count as one (1) entry, provided that the Mail-In Entry complies with the above requirements and promotion terms and conditions. Mail-In Entries that are not in the format specified above, that are illegible, inaccurate, incomplete, or reproduced via photocopier or otherwise will be considered null and void. Proof of submission does not constitute proof of receipt.
Camera Champ is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, mutilated, misdirected Mail-In Entries or Mail-In Entries not received by the Promotion Period End date.
All material submitted becomes the property of Camera Champ and will not be returned. No correspondence will be acknowledged or entered into.
A valid Mail-In Entry will be included in the prize draw alongside Entry Package entries, with each Mail-In Entry having an equal chance of winning.
Happy shooting, and best of luck!